Association Benefits
Konikow Associates is an Affinity Partner with...
Welcome to Konikow Associates
As insurance brokers, Konikow Associates Incorporated, represents quality insurance products from all major carriers.

Our creative approach to problem solving has allowed us to meet our clients' insurance needs since 1963. We have proven success helping firms and individuals with our planning strategies.
Our unique guaranteed issue programs in the area of disability and life insurance sets us apart from other brokerage firms.
moreWhat’s New
We were pleased to be able to secure large amounts of Life Insurance on a guaranteed basis for client: A Law Firm with 60 employees had a need to update and fund their partnership agreements. Each attorney was issued a $1,500,000 10 year term life policy. These policies also were issued without…>>>
Celebrating over 20 years of partnership with New Jersey Assocaition for Justice>>>
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Association Benefits
Konikow Associates is an Affinity Partner with...